
sleepless no longer

Yep! I got a job, and in Seattle. Guess who's excited! I drove up to Seattle on Friday for a second interview (yes, a lot of driving. The most boring part was the traffic between Seattle and Tacoma on the way back). They tried to relieve whatever stress I was feeling before we even began the interview in earnest by telling me that they wouldn't be able to make a decision before Monday evening at the earliest, so I could just relax and enjoy my weekend. I was very obedient, and didn't even check my new, alternate, more-professional email address until late Saturday only to find that they'd emailed me a job offer before the end of the day on Friday! Even cooler is the fact that I get to do their graphics work for them (something I wouldn't get the opportunity to do in a larger firm) because their current graphics person was moving away.
In some ways, this isn't a firm I expected to work for when I was out of school. But at the same time, it will allow me to do a lot of the things that I'm really interested in working on. Life's funny.
They want me to start SOON! --in the course of two weeks. I'm thinking it might take me a little longer than that just to find a place to live, but then I'm off!
So. Big changes.
Now, to maintain this "joie de vie"
and the "take my life and let it be --"!
praise to the Lord who o'er all things so wondrously reigneth
shelters thee under his wings yea so gently sustaineth
hast thou not seen?
all thy desires have been
granted in what he ordaineth.
praise to the Lord who doth prosper thy work and defend thee
surely his goodness and mercy here daily attend thee
ponder anew
what the Almighty can do
he who with love doth befriend thee.


I'm feeling a bit of a need to purge . . .

So, I graduated the other week. That was fun. Now I have a diploma cover . . . and I have been camping (inhaled four books in one week) and I have moved all of my things out of Eugene and I am, once again, fully under my parents' roof with all my stuff. (It's kind of a lot for my room to absorb.)

Now to figure out what's next. It may not be Portland after all, it may be Seattle. If it sounds like I'm waffling, I am. I'm wading through a whole lot of indecision not knowing quite what to do with myself yet or what to apply myself to. So, contacts are being established, meetings arranged, and in the meantime, I'm waiting a little bit.