
So, while I was reading through my magazines I came across an ad offering to tell me more about myself by analyzing my handwriting (and sell me a pen, but that’s beside the point, right?). You can do it yourself too, by just going to the website instead of sending your stuff off in the mail and waiting a couple of weeks to hear back from an anonymous analysis. I got really excited about it . . . and spent forever trying to get the survey to work on a spotty internet connection. Who knew that the way you loop your ys and cross your ts tells you about how you relate to your parents and what kind of a leader you are? –and that word spacing indicates whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert?!

I’ll be submitting my actual handwriting to see if I get different results. But in the meantime, I found out that the slant of my writing –or maybe it was the size?- indicates that I am a very warm person and, apparently, a good lover too.

Try it for yourself!

1 comment:

justine said...

I'm Glad this isn't just a travel blog anymore.
miss you!