It was amazingly sunny yesterday morning for about 3 hours. And then the torrential downpour began. Molly was very excited and then very sad and a little mad.

Is it possible to be homesick for being away from home?
I printed a bunch of my photos from the trip this past weekend (500 of them. Oi!) and looking through them just makes me antsy. I want to get moving! I’ve looked into things a little more though, and I want to get my dual citizenship figured out. That means I’m sticking around the States at least for a while; hopefully it’s as speedy as some of the estimates which put the naturalization process at around 6 months. And then it’s the BIG MOVE to a place yet to be determined.
I keep looking ahead to that, while in the meantime school and everything else is moving along. The design proposals are still very much in the process stage. Not quite clicking together at that feverish pace but simmering slowly. Here I am, basking in the glow of my laptop screen . . . if my eyes look glazed over it’s because the thesis writing was getting to me.

Anyways, I should get back to researching. The only thing is, I’m really just itching to design something. Anything. I want to draw and to doodle! But I want a project, not just something aimless. So I’ve been playing around with graphics for different things. I got unusually excited about creating the title block and background for my presentation on Tuesday, even more so than the content.

Itching to get back to the drawing board!
(Speaking of drawing boards, quick pet peeve. Architecture is one of those pseudo-glamorous kinds of jobs that is over-represented in the movies. Saw "Click" last night. Adam Sandler's character works for a huge corporate architecture office and he's drafting up ginormous projects with a pencil! Argh! So unrealistic. Welcome to the 21st century, people! There was some good/iconic furniture in the movie but the sets could have been much cooler. I'm picky. But you probably knew that!)
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