Gorgeous weather today . . . sorry to bring up such a mundane topic, but it's so beautiful!
Spring is definitely on the way --things even smell better! The cherry tree outside Molly's room is budding and campus is looking so pretty and green. When I was driving to Salem this weekend I enjoyed the vivid green grass with the blue hills in the background. The colors are spectacular. And the sheep, I can't leave out the sheep. No lambs yet, but lots of sheep in the foreground. (I don't know why all these sheep have interstate-front properties, but I've always wondered.)
Two more weeks left to work on my studio project . . . three more weeks of term . . . then spring break!! I think Molly and I will go to Seattle for at least a little bit and drop in on our friend Ayda. Other than that, a lot of nothingness planned for me. Well, the job hunt should be pursued. At the professional firms visiting day last week, I felt rather claustrophobic. There were all kinds of firms with big splashy posters and "booths" up. And there I was, walking through the narrow aisles with my portfolio clutched tightly to my chest. A hand thrust in my direction: "How are YOU doing today?!" in a big booming voice. And: "What's your major? OOooh interiors. Well, we've got a GREAT interiors group at ---(insert "three-intial-combination of your choice" architecture firm. Really.) !"
Scary salesmen.
In the meantime, I need to cook some dinner and do some more CAD tonight. (Some days I think my life is measured in linecommands: line-copy-crop-offset-trim-zoomout-zoomin-move-line-line-
1 comment:
i saw robins today in the park! it's not quite green here yet. but it will get there. :)
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