
fancy schmantzy

On Thursday I got to go to a black tie event for work: the Northwest Design Awards --where my boss won an award for her house. One of the gals at the office took pictures so you finally get to see some evidence of my life here!So this is the office and some of my coworkers. And if you analyse this photograph very closely, you can understand where I sit. That lamp just behind my shoulder there? Well, I sit across from the woman who sits there. :) So, off the photo to your right.
Here's our pretty table. I was pretty tired all week though! So busy. Robert and Ben visited last weekend, so we went to the Space Needle for dinner the night before they left. Also fancy, but very cool. The city looks very nice at night. Unfortunately, they were asking me what we were looking at and a lot of the time I had no idea! I think I might have to invest in a map and do some exploring.

Meanwhile, I still love my apartment and my neighborhood. Last night I walked to the grocery store and it was such a pretty night out. It was just getting dark and the air was so crisp. People were walking up and down Queen Anne, making for fun people watching and --I'll admit it-- eavesdropping. {Here I will insert a side rant. This is amusing when you're walking down the street and only hear snippets of conversations. However, I DO NOT want to hear the travails of your relationship on the bus on my way home in the evening. Why o why do girls do this? I refuse to have phone conversations on the bus. Texts are fine . . . but I've promised myself I won't be the loud-talker narrating my "dramatic" experiences to a best friend over the phone --along with the rest of the Route 2 Express riders in Seattle. Okay, I'm done. }
I love walking by the Metropolitan Market with all the flowers out on the street (organized by color. Pretty!) and by the old-ish churches, and the restaurants with people eating. I'm hoping to make it out to see the view from Nob Hill one of these nights. The other weekend when I got a ride home from hanging out with my old dorm-mates we were driving up there and the view was amazing.

Last week I signed up to go on a retreat with the church here. Should be fun! Have been going to a community group with some great people here in Queen Anne and I got roped in. The next day I had three different emails in my inbox with different things I could get involved with. They're quick!

I should get going though. I have a few things do do around the apartment and then I'm supposed to meet up with Ayda for some park exploring/sushi.

1 comment:

justine said...

How're you doing? Hope you're enjoying Seattle! Miss you!