
Okay, so here it is folks! I've entered the blogging work in order to keep you all posted on what I'm up to. In case I haven't bored you to death telling you this over the past, ooooh, six months or so, tomorrow I am leaving on "Sabrina's Limited European Tour." Tickets on sale now. Accepting all major credit cards.
In general, these are the plans:
:: Tomorrow I head east to Ontario to be able to go to Candice's wedding on Saturday. One wedding down, one to go! I'll be there until
:: I head to London with my cousin Justine on Monday the 11th, and I'll be staying at my aunt's exploring in and around London until
:: Tuesday the 19th, when Justine and I fly to Barcelona for a couple days,
:: then we're off to Paris from the 21st until we head to Holland by train. There we'll check out Rotterdam and Amsterdam, as well as meet up with my Oma. She's going to be visiting with her brothers at a cottage to celebrate her 75th brithday, and we're dropping in to say hi and soak up some Dutch coziness.
:: From Amsterdam we'll fly into Edinburgh on the 30th.
:: Then, we're back in London on the 2nd of October. The next day Nuria is flying in from Germany and we'll meet up with Robert and head west to check out Bath and celebrate R's birthday in Bristol.
:: Justine and I will be flying back to Toronto on the 11th of October. Shannon's wedding is on the 14th, so we have a little bit of time to recoup and then it's time for more fun!
:: I'm flying home to Oregon . . . I don't even know! I think the 16th or the 17th. In any case, I'll be back late for school.
*sigh. And then it's back to real life for me.

I spent the weekend NOT getting ready for my trip by going to Crater Lake instead. Thomas took this picture. Such a beautiful blue . . .


Anonymous said...

*sigh* you're gone. And I'm suddenly the mother of a 13 year old! Woo! Ummm..... Crazy that Seb and Hope were on the same flight! were you going straight to Ontario? or was there a stop somewhere near New York!?

Anonymous said...

P.S. - I just created a BLOG (ick) so that I could write/comment on yours, now if that isn't love I don't know what is!