
sit back and . . .

So maybe I'm not worried about after I get to Seattle, but I still might have been a little stressed:
When setting my alarm for yesterday morning, I managed to set the actual time and not just the alarm time a whole hour ahead so I was awake and showered by 5:30am for my househunting trip to Seattle. I figured it out when no one else in the house was getting up and I ran to find my trusty cell phone, which told me the truth. I crawled back into bed and slept for another hour, and when I woke up I was in the middle of a very odd dream in which I was in some sort of meeting trying to explain interior design concepts to Steve Carell's character from the Office. It was funny at first . . . and then very very annoying.
Anyhoo, with all this rushing around to and from Seattle I was trying to find a place to live so that I could begin work on or around the 13th of this month. However, most of the places I was finding were only available on the first of September. I filled in applications anyways, but started wondering what I would do in the interim if my employers needed me earlier. But it's all worked out now, and I'm starting after the first.

*Phew. I can relax a little.


floral patterns

It's finally sinking in, taking root:


Usually I get freaked out of my mind about change and responsibility. This is part -okay, a big part- of the reason I have vowed to myself never to move my thirteen-year-old-daughter across country (should she ever exist) and why I took so long to get my driver's license, among other things.
But this whole Seattle thing? Not as much. Instead, dwelling a little more on the "do not worry" business --you know, the lilies of the field and all that.
Yes, at any given moment I can give you the apartment amenities I'm looking for --the result of many hours spent on craigslist obsessively looking for new housing listings. Weighing the merits of parking and buses and coin-op laundry and studios and one bedrooms . . . the sabrinaslist is extensive. But I'm trying not to agonize, just organize
I drove up today and looked at a few places; I'm going to go back again soon to look at some more. I never thought of Seattle as a hilly place, but it is! I was very very glad I was in mom's automatic today when I was getting myself lost in residential neighborhoods. Crazy skinny twisty roads in parts! But I am proud to report there was no panicking there, either; I calmly consulted my mapquest maps and navigated my way from one apartment viewing to the next and got myself aquainted with the area.
Be sure to make plans to visit once I do have a place! --now you have the excuse to make Seattle a destination. Although, I'll settle as a "passing through" post. :)

Now to bloom where I'm planted.