
Awww Ontario. I'm back in the "home and and native land" (for all you non-Canadians who don't understand that referencee it's from "O Canada"). While everyone else here takes a break from the heat of the day with a nap, I'll natter away in the background on the keyboard.
Wedensday's flights here were mostly uneventful. I sat around the Portland airport for quite a whioe; the instructions were to arrive quite early because of all the new security measures. So I settled in with my book for the hour and a half wait to board. At one point I looked up and recognized Sebastian and Hope (friends from UO and recently graduated Architecture students), waiting for the same flight to Newark! Such a small world. It was nice to chat with them a bit and find out their plans before we had to get on the plane. The flight was long --or maybe it just felt that way: a few rows ahead of me a toddler decided to holler his way through the night (and it wasn't just cryinging hollering. He was yelling to prove a point. On and on and on.) Poor Seb and Hope were sitting right in front of them and didn't get any sleep at all. I didn't do anything but doze in an out, with my earbuds jammed in my ears.
Said bye to them in Newark and set off to watch the sun come up before my connecting flight to Buffalo. That wass a nice flight. The plane was empty and also very quiet. Some sleep at last! Too bad it wasn't longer --that precious hour was all I got that night.
When I arrived in Buffalo it was about nine in the morning and I set off, excited to finally see my cousins and head home to crash. But they weren't there yet! The got there around the same time my bags showed up on the carousel, though, so I didn't have long to wait.
The trip home was great: Five of us squished in the car with Anton and Ryan picking and accompanying the music. And I got to stop at Tim Horton's for breakfast. Mmmm doughnuts. And coffee.
As soon as we got to Burlington I jumped straight into the shower and felt much better. Hugs all around to the rellies, and then a trip to the beach. Got a short nap in and then home again to Justine's where we came home to a note from Oma, who had droped by. She came back after a trip to the Dutch store with Tyler and Leanna in tow. More rellies = more hugs and kisses. :)
Later in the evening all the girls came over (the girl cousins. Everyone else had their baby sister there! -I missed you, Nadine!). We walked to the store to pick up the essentials: lots of ice cream and chocolate. That and a chick flick. All in all, a perfect evening.
And last night I slept beautifully.
This morning the "girl time" continued -- I tagged along as Candice and her bridal party and sisters went to get pedicures and manicures as well as some shopping.
Then it's wedding all day tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

sweet - my computer remembers my password!! thank goodness! so you leave for EUROPE TOMORROW?!!!!!! YAY! have fun, good luck. I'm not so much enjoying babysitting. but whatever, it was a bit intense to suddenly have a child and have to spend many hours waiting around for her. I'm not built for that - waiting. I need to be doing stuff (writing essays for scholarships primarily)!! I read a book, actually I'm ten pages from finishing it - *sigh* I don't know about these scholarships! looking forward to more notes on your blog! safe travels!

justine said...

wow, i can't believe candice's wedding's over, and we're leaving TOMORROW! woohoo!
sweet, i linked you, and i'll be checkin your blog. scheduled blogging breaks? :P