
Beautiful. Well, today was a really great day, that's for sure.
Sorry it's been a while since I've been able to update you on what we've been up to, but I'll try now.
Westminster Abbey was AMAZING! I think it's my favorite so far. Justine and I got of the tube and there we were, right smack dab in the middle of (touristy) London. We managed to take a few pictures of Big Ben and walked round the Parliament Buidings before heading to the Abbey. Just beautiful. And the history! I think what I loved about it the most was that we were free to just roam around these things and get close to them. I mean, really close! Saw Elizabeth I's tomb and Mary's too . . . and Henry V. And the coronation throne (minus the stone --which is on Scotloand right now). I especially enjoyed the memorials all over the place --the ones with erratic spellings and interesting sentiments; for example ' . . . for which he was severely lamented.' Who says that anymore? And the one dedicated by the inconsolable wife. Saw Poet's corner too, of course, with Jane Austen's tablet. And everyone else's. Did you know that Laurence Olivier has one there too? I had no clue.
Form there we walked to Buckingham Palace, through St. James' Park, and then went to the National Gallery. Also incredible, to see all the artwork that I've learned about in so many art history classes. But we were a little sad; most of the 19th century ones we would have recognized were off limits for some concert or for rennovations. We spent quite a bit of time there, just looking around.
I can't remeber at the moment if went other places . . . I'm already starting to forget! Oh no!
Yesterday is easier. We got an earlier start and headed straight to the V&A. Another favorite. So much stuff! We decided not to try to take it all in and went straight to a few different exhibits. The fashion one , oof course. Some fabulous clothes on display. And lots of, what I assumed to be, current fashion students taking notes and huddled around in groups discussing the ins and outs of things. I felt rather frumpy at that point.
On that note, I've decided that pink shirts (even purple) are the in thing for men here in London. Eileen was debating getting one for Gord but she can't find one she actually likes. He'd just be conformist here though. But if you want to be more cutting edge out in North America, men take note. Pink shirts are on the rise. But in general, Justine and I are quite enjoying all the nice suits that walk by. ;)
We also checked out other well-designed things at the V&A. Saw the great Bed of Ware. Huge! And lots of really old furniture.
After lunch in front of the museum we took a lightening tour of the Natural History Museum, mostly to see the building which was highly reccomended. Booked through a dinosaur exhibit, which I must say was pretty cool. They were setting up tents for London's Fashion Week outside, which starts the 18th. These things just happen in bog cities. I really am a country bumpkin!
From there we walked to Kensington Park and saw the Memorial and the Royal Albert Hall. In the background were some little girls playing in their school uniforms -in hats! How refined! Or not. I can't imagine putting up with that as a kid.
From there we walked by Kensington Palace and ended up walking the street in front of it with all the amazing embassy/ambassador (?) houses. Kind of felt like we weren't supposed to be there, but it was beautiful. Kind of fun to imagine all the high profile things that happen behind those doors.
From there we marched through Hyde Park up to Marble Arch. Hm. Not that thriilling. Then off to Carnaby street to see many more tourists doing their shopping. And there at the end of the street, Liberty. *sigh. Amazing. Much more expensive than I will ever ve able to afford but nice to go through of course. Felt even more frumpy! But I loved, loved the fourth floor. My favorite lamps and chairs all over the place. Mmmm. Soaking it in. From there we checked out Picadilly Square and then to meet Gord and Eileen at Leicester Square.
SInce we were early, we popped into the Portrait Gallery before meeting them for Thai dinner and heading to a show. Fun!
We saw The Producers at the Royal on Drury Lane, complete with drinks at the intermission. Thanks Gord and Eileen! So much fun! It was a great laugh.
Today we had a list of things all figured out to try to see. Started out at the Southwark Cathedral and walked from there along the Thames on a very nice walk towards the Tate Modern. Saw Shakespeare's Globe before we headed in for, what turned out to be, a very long visit. Ooooooo. Drooling. Well, not really. But I loved it. And absorbed the building too. Very nice. Very satisfying. Justine and I were both saying to eachother that it was inspiring; we were both ready to go home and start working on another proejct right away! The only sad part was that they didn't have anything up in the Turbine Hall. We might be able to zip in before we leave on the 10th.
When we finally left at 3 and ate our lunches, we traipsed across the Milennium Bridge to St. Paul's. We wandered around the buidling first then headed inside to tour it. What an amazing buidling. I guess Christopher Wren was a genious after all! We climbed up to the whispering gallery and Justine tripped her way up the stairs. (not really! -just once!). I think most of the time we just sat there, slackjawed. 
We toured the Crypt too, and then it was almost 4:30 and we stuck around to go to the evensong service. We were able to sit with the choir. So gorgeous! Most of you might know my affection for choral music, and boys choirs in particular. I loved it! I wanted to pinch myself, really. Although I was worried at some point that everyone else knew what
they were doing and I didn't. But that soon left. Such beautiful music. And the words! Reading the text by singing it. I couldn't believe I was there in St. Paul's, really.
This must be what travelling is all about.


mFin said...

now I envy you - truly. We were there and took in the immense-ness of the building and the awesome whisper gallery, but I never got to hear the choir!! how lucky you are! Now I know that we HAVE to travel together so that I get to see all these cool things! : ) I can't believe you RUSHED throught the natural history museum! glad you at least appreciated the dinosaur exhibit! : )

justine said...

wow brine--no wonder they're bugging me about your blogging!! this is old. update!!