
Sorry, everyone. This absence has been unforgivable, I agree. I've been keeping a journal since we left London, so I've managed to keep track of what we've been doing everyday and get my impression of places and things jotted down before I forget them forever, but you'll have to wait for that. Or borrow my journal. :)
Barcelona was a blur --the Gaudi was amazing and the weather was HOT! I have some pictures from inside the cathedral that are pretty cool. The light from the stained-glass windows was so colorful! I took a picture of the dappled light on the floor and it looks like we were in a club partying and not in a church. Justine and I immediately felt like foreigners, too, because we were absolutely cluelees when it came to the language. Makes the world that much more difficult to navigate through!
Paris . . . aaaaah Paris. Well, what a beautiful city. A very mellow place. I still maintain that I like London better, but I think that's because Paris seems like such a holiday kind of place. Too relaxing and mellow and pretty to be a place where anyone actually lives andhas to work. Are you kiddign me? Had cafe au lait, which was wonderful, and even greater croissants; I am forever spoiled for the north American variety. We especially enjoyed an evening with chocolate and wine on the steps of Sacre Coeur (in Monmartre where we were staying). That was, until we were assailed by the phenomenon that I cleverly nicknamed 'Parisites' or very forward French men. But I loved Paris. I want to go back someday.
Holland was next. I'm so glad we decided to go there. It was eye opening just to see where our roots were, and what little things of Dutch culture our families still retain. And it was so much neater and cleaner than so many of the places we've been! We stayed one night with Oma and met her siblings. There was some confusion with Dutch/English conversations, but we worked it all our in the end. We moved on to spend two days in Zwolle at Justine's relatives -which confirmed my desire to move there. Really, people! Good design everywhere there, and it's so accessible. So quaint, too: every duthc living room window has two pots in the window sill. Centered, to be more traditional, or off to one side or the other for a bit of a twist. Once I started noticing the trend I couldn't stop! We went to Utrecht on Friday and hung out with a friend of Justine's and went to an AMAZING 70's party. Reeally incredible --they painted the walls and there were some pretty good costumes there too.
We got up after a little sleep and caught our flight to Edinburgh this morning. Justine and I walked up a trail and caught some amazing views of the city. After that we trekked the city looking for a bank machine and somewhere to eat.
We're back in the English speaking world again, although I'm determined to learn Dutch and brush up on French. Being uni-lingual is so boring and not very useful. :)
But now I'm ready to sleep. My bum is sore from riding on the back of a crazy Dutch bike (this involves running and landing while the bike is in motion. I think I overdid it on my first attempt. I have a blue bruise!) and my legs are sore from the steep incline. Nothing that a great sleep can't cure.
Looking forward to finding a Scottish Presbyterian Church tomorrow.

1 comment:

justine said...

it's about time. :P