
and this is love . . .

Post-birthday festivities, I am trying to get back into the school-rhythm of things preparing for a mid-term presentation in Portland on Friday. In the studio, we have mixed feelings about what to expect: we're supposed to be just fine presenting drawings and sketches on trace paper (NOT formal at all) but there will be professionals (read: potential employers) there to review our work!
Should be fun though. We'll probably end up going out to dinner as a group and collectively freaking out/rejoicing about our post-school futures.

. . . and tomorrow is Valentine's Day. I got some lovely tulips (thank-you, Mom!) and am reconciling myself to being perennially single. I put on a very good front about being an independent-career-woman type sometimes, but goodness! -I don't need a commercial holiday to remind me.

Here are some Belle and Sebastian lyrics for your enjoyment:

If you find yourself caught in love
Say a prayer to the Man above
Thank Him for everything you know
You should thank Him for every breath you blow

If you find yourself caught in love
Say a prayer to the Man above
You should thank Him for every day you pass
Thank Him for saving your sorry ass.

If you're single, but looking out
You must raise your prayer to a shout
Another partner must be found
Someone to take your life beyond
Another TV "I Love 1999"
Another box of cheapo wine

If you find yourself caught in love
You should say a prayer to the Man above

If you don't listen to the voices then my friend
You'll soon run out of choices
What a pity it would be
You talk of freedom don't you see
The only freedom that you'll ever really know
Is written in books from long ago
Give up your will to Him that loves you
Things will change, I'm not saying overnight
But something good has to give . . .

(from "If You Find Yourself Caught In Love" from Dear Catastrophe Waitress)

When I was looking for those lyrics I came across part of Stuart's tour diary where he responds to the question "your biggest influence?" with the answer:

"God. Quite an irritating answer in some regards, but I find it hard to see past the omniscient One. I'm firmly of the opinion that everything good comes from Him, from a chord change in a Beatles' song, to the sound of drums on a Joy Division record. 'Course the Beatles and Joy Division are perfectly entitled to disagree with me."


"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights" (James 1:17) and "dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God." (I John 4:7).

1 comment:

justine said...

you know what, sabrina? thank you for this post.

i've never really sat down to properly get to know belle and sebastien through their lyrics...but wow.

i like that song a lot now!